For whatever reason you are shipping, K International can help with our international automobile shipping services!

K International Transport offers these international shipping services:
- We will move you car from a warehouse to a port in the United States before shipping it overseas to almost anywhere in the Middle East, including Iraq
- If your automobile is located far from a port, we offer inland trucking and transportation services. These services will bring your vehicle from anywhere in the United States, to a port city to be shipped abroad.
- We will take advantage of our international automobile shipping services to ship your vehicle through almost any port in the United States, including from New York, Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, and more!
- Use roll-on/roll-off services to effectively load your vehicle onto a vessel, or use containerized shipping at your request to get your car to its destination in the Middle East.

For more information, contact K International Transport today for a more detailed description. Call us at 212-267-6400, reach out to us on Skype at kinternationalny, or email us at For an international shipping rate, visit our rate request page today for an international shipping quote!
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