Many international shipping customers find it stressful to transport a single automobile overseas. So what can be said about transporting cars in bulk from the United States to port Alexandria, Egypt?
With a trustworthy and experienced international shipping company like K International, transporting multiple cars overseas is a hassle-free and affordable process. K International can offer you the best price and service for your shipping experience.
So what steps are involved with international automobile shipping, and how do they differ when shipping in bulk?
- First you will contact your international shipping company to obtain a shipping quote. You will also transfer information, such as the desired shipping date, the original titles, and your identification.
- Then, the company will book a shipment with a steamship line.
- A trucker will transport your automobiles to the port in the United States, which can be in New York, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, or any other, depending on where you are located.
- Finally, the container will be shipped to Port Alexandria, Egypt and unloaded at the port.
D-Stanley |
For more information, contact us at 212-267-6400, email us at, or reach out to us on Skype at kinternationalny!