In these turbulent economic times, it is important to find an international shipping company that will endeavour to ship your vehicle as economically as possible, without sacrificing necessary security. Other overseas shipping companies will promise the world and deliver a wreck, while at K International Transport we make sure that when we give you a quotation it is as accurate as possible, because people like surprises on birthdays, but not when shipping their car overseas.
If you visit our rate request page, and fill out as much of the information as you can, one of our specialised staff will collect your options, and give you the best of them. It is also possible to purchase a car in the U.S. from your current location abroad, and we will ship it to you by making arrangements with the dealership, auction, or individual who is selling the car you want to ship internationally. We will fulfill all rate requests as quickly as possible, so you can begin dreaming about driving your car, and stop having nightmares about shipping it.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by email at, by telephone (212) 267-6400, or by skyping us at kinternationalny (or by clicking the skype button below this entry). Getting your international car shipping rate quote is the first step to putting your foot on the pedal.