But how does daylight savings relate to international shipping services?

Although there has been a lot of debate about whether daylight savings is necessary, there are a few positives to changing the time back.
- The sun is already out when you are waking up!
This usually means everyone is less grumpy in the morning, and you don't have to go to work in the darkness! You will be more awake and ready to ship cargo internationally with a reliable international shipping company, and K International Transport will be happy to help!
- You feel like you are getting an hour more of sleep!
Since it gets darker earlier, people feel as though they are sleeping more (because they usually are! We tend to sleep as it gets dark). When you wake up refreshed, K International Transport will be able to help you ship cargo from ports in the U.S, including New York, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, and more!
- Everyone else is doing it!
Now you don't want to accidentally wake up an hour late, just because you didn't change the time on your alarm clock, do you? Even if you are late, K International Transport can ship cargo quickly and efficiently, so your business will get done no matter what!
For more information about K International Transport's international shipping services, call us today at 212-267-6400, email us at sales@kinternational.com, or Skype us at kinternationalny.