- Which company can I trust with shipping my Caterpillar equipment overseas to Togo?
- How can I ensure that my cargo arrives at Port Lome, Togo safely?
- How can I be sure that I am not overpaying for these construction equipment shipping services?

A reliable international shipping company like K International can answer all of these questions, and more, and can ensure a safe and affordable transport of your Caterpillar equipment.
- You can trust K International to ship your construction equipment to Port Lome, Togo! We have years of experience shipping all types of equipment, including cranes, bulldozers, dump trucks, and more!
- With our container shipping services, we will safely load your equipment into a container. This container will quickly cross the ocean and arrive at Lome, Togo without a scratch!
- K International is committed to offering the best prices for our construction equipment shipping services. We search until we find a great price that suites our clients' needs!

For more information, call us at 212-267-6400, email us at sales@kinternational.com, or Skype us at kinternationalny. For an international shipping rate, visit our rate request page for a shipping quote.