But what happens when you want to ship cargo to a country that is land-locked, and has no ports? K International Transport can help with that too!

For example, say you want to ship an automobile to Uzbekistan with K International Transport's overseas car transport services. Uzbekistan is completely landlocked. So what does K International do?
First we ship your car from any port in the United States, including those in New York, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, or any other port. Your vehicle is loaded onto the vessel with RoRo shipping, and it is send overseas
If your car is not located near a port city, but instead in Kentucky, for example, you can use our inland trucking and transportation services to transport it to a port before it is shipping overseas.
Next the cargo arrives at a port near the target country. In this case, we might ship your vehicle to a port in the Mediterranean sea, possibly through Port Said, Egypt.
Finally when you're cargo arrives, we will arrange more inland trucking and transportation services to take your automobile from Egypt to a city in Uzbekistan, to its final destination.

Shipping with K International Transport's international shipping services is easy and efficient. Contact us today at 212-267-6400, email us at sales@kinternational.com, or Skype us at kinternationalny.
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